Sorry, I missed a day! I've been trying to finish a big essay that's due Monday so I can watch the game on Sunday. Hopefully this will make up for it.
Paul got this from Heather at the baby shower. He plays with it a lot, and it's very versatile. Today he spent about 20 minutes playing with that white tag sticking out of the side. The fish rattle, and play jaunty nautical tunes. There's a mirror shaped like a clam shell. He didn't make a sound or look at anything but that white tag for 20 minutes. I am not exaggerating.
I'm also not complaining... like I said, I've got that essay to finish.
This is further proof that babies' best toys are also the cheapest. He was gnawing on his toes and making that cooing sound he makes when he's chewing. He only stopped because I pulled the camera out and it fascinates him.
Is that beautiful baby laying on a quilt his mommy made?
Why yes he is! Although that quilt is probably ten years older than he is.
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