Sunday, September 28, 2008


Sundays are usually sit at home, watch football and do homework days. Today, with all the rain, was no different.

I tried to remember to get some photos of Paul reaching for everything. I got two, but I would have to have the camera strapped around my neck at all times to get them all, and if I did that he would be reaching for the camera all the time too! We have to keep a watchful eye out all the time. He seems only to want to grab grown-up things; when we try to tempt him with a bib or toy he's not interested. So, I've been trying to find things that he wants and I don't mind giving to him. I let him play with the cardboard packages for some tights I bought and they entertained him for about twenty minutes last night. It's a good learning experience for me, so I'll try to remember to distract him from things he can't have with things that are ok.

He's getting to be such a fun age, and even though we have to watch him vigilantly, he's a joy to be around. He laughs and he can tell when he's made us laugh. He seems to be reaching a resting period with the growth of his teeth. Or, it's possible that he is just more capable of soothing himself since he can hold onto his teething toys now. Anyhow, we seem to have overcome some of the challenges and have hit a stride. We'll try to savor this time before the next challenge comes.

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