Tuesday, September 23, 2008

156 Days Later

So, this is the first day of the blog. Paul (Pea Pod) is now 22 weeks and 1 day old.

Like most days of late, today is a teething day. He vascillates between happy, active, super-hero-baby Paul, shown here at the command center of his baby space station:

and teething, crying, I'm-tired-but-you'd-better-not-try-to-make-me-sleep Paul, shown here moments before falling asleep:

I'll admit that the teething is starting to get frustrating, and I know it's hard for him too. He could at least have a tooth to show for it or something! The hardest part so far is that the teething seems never-ending, but he doesn't even have a tooth yet, so it also feels like it will never begin.

His saving grace is that he is really, really cute. Still and all, he is a good baby, and I'm a lucky mommy.

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