Not too much to report today. It has been rainy, but we took a family trip down to Somersworth and Newington, NH to run some errands. We stopped at Boston Market (yum), and while we were there Paul tried to fit his whole pacifier into his mouth. It was scary and funny. I got a picture of it, but really I need to get a picture of him reaching for EVERYTHING, because that's what he does a lot of the day. He's on my lap right now reaching for the camera, some apples, the keyboard, and anything else within about a 3-foot radius. I'll try to get a photo of that pretty soon. He really extends his whole being when he reaches for something.
Anyhow, here he is in one of the various stages of trying to put his whole pacifier into his mouth:

Also: yes, he is wearing the same jumper as yesterday. He's just a baby... he doesn't get that dirty, ok?! Don't judge me!
1 comment:
You must have been laughing at him when he was doing that. Paul looks like he is grinning back at you. What a happy baby.
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