Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Paul's First Snow

Paul had his 6 month check up today and on the way home it snowed! It seems a little early for all that, but I'm not from around here... It works out that I finished his jacket today. Here he wearing the jacket I made and he's holding his new book, "Noisy Farm Animals". I don't know if it's a nation-wide thing or just Maine, but he gets a new book at each check up. I really like that.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Paul looks great, as usual. The jacket turned out well. I especially like the striped fabric. It accents the dark blue very well. You know I support any excuse for a new book. At this rate his vocabulary will surpass yours by the time he is 12 years old. Good thing you are always growing in your education as well.