Saturday, October 25, 2008

Great Bay 5K

Today was the race. The weather was great for a run (low 50s I think), although some sunshine would have been nice. It didn't rain though, and it was cool and dry. I knew when we were taking these photos that I would be red. After looking at the pix though, it seems I was purple.

It was a big day for me. It's been six months and four days since Paul was born (calendar-wise anyway), and I was able to run a 5K! Ryan pushed Paul, which was great because it freed me up to concentrate on running. Since it has only been six months my goal was just to finish without walking any of it. I not only achieved my goal, but I'm pretty sure I've had later finishing times during previous races. Heather, my friend and Stroller Strides instructor, ran with me and we finished together. I got a little choked up as I crossed the finish line, just thinking about this past year and being pregnant, and giving birth, and starting to get back into shape. I'm really proud of myself, and the example I'm setting for my family.

I know today's entry isn't really about Paul, but I'm glad I did this and that he was there. From what Ryan said, Paul was great during the run (he's definitely used to being in his stroller). I'm just so happy that we were able to go do this as a family.


Grandma said...

Great job Kathleen. You set a goal and achieved it. Paul sure looks cozy in that stroller.

Donald said...

Great work Kathleen. It's a testament to your determination that you were able to set and reach this goal. Keep pluggin'!