Today was the first time Paul laughed at something other than Ryan or me. Usually he only laughs at things we do specifically to make him laugh, although we occasionally make him laugh unintentionally. Seamus was horfing up a hairball and the noise he was making was cracking Paul up. In the video below you can faintly hear Seamus and then Paul laughs immediately.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Two Front Teeth
Monday, December 29, 2008
Catching Up
I've been on a bit of a Paul-blog hiatus. I've still been taking pictures fairly regularly, so I'm going to attempt to catch up today. The last post was on November 28th, so from then until today I'll post the highlights. Go back and check it out! I got a lot of great pics on Christmas, so I'll include several of them. Here's today's photo:
Thursday, December 25, 2008
First Christmas!
We spent our Christmas in Vermont with Ryan's father, step-mother ans sister. Lindsey took a perfect photo of Paul sitting next to the Christmas tree. I'll post it as soon as she emails it to us.
Here Paul is opening his first gift.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
This photo probably looks familiar to a few people out there. I just took it because it was a good angle to show Paul's two bottom teeth, which are coming in nicely. It ended up being one of the best we have of him! I feel like it really captures his spirit and the essence of his personality.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Party
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A Tisket, A Tasket
Pauley's in a basket. This was totally spontaneous. He crawled in here and I captured it. I swear it was not posed. I think he looks like a show dog in a Sears portrait (in the cutest possible way...) in the first one.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Put on Your Farty Hat
That's not a typo. Here's another video that I can watch over and over and crack up everytime (definitely requires sound):
Also, Paul finally fits into his Patriots hat. I need to get him some 49ers gear... maybe that's why we've been losing. I hear that adorable babies are good luck.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Baby Hokey Pokey
Paul's equivalent of the hokey pokey is to creep over to an obstacle and then pull himself up and stand using whatever it is for support. When he either gets bored there or one of us redirects him he just goes to something else and does the same thing.

Here he is pictured in his ultra-chic jungle animal pajamas standing next to the laundry basket/ temporary baby gate:
Thursday, November 20, 2008
More Baby Shinannigans
This evening while we were all hanging out in the living room we turned around and this is what we saw. Paul had used his baby seat as a booster to pull up onto the lower tier of the end table. He would have rolled right on through like a little tank if we hadn't removed him.
Ryan told me that he was a climber growing up. Oh man. It's going to be a rough couple of years.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Paul is Amazing
He is, but of course that goes without saying. Paul sat up by himself from lying down on Saturday. Ryan and I looked at each other and took note because he'd never done it before. Two days and three nights passed with no further action... until last night. Suddenly he was just sitting up all over the place. Scoot here, sit up. Scoot over there, sit up and play with a toy. Scoot over to his pacifier, sit up, pick it up and put it in his mouth.
Also, we usually place obstacles into his path to keep him corralled in an area where we know he's safe and we can keep an eye on him. Ryan put his little chair up, and you know? He pulled himself up on it. So now he's getting himself up into the sitting position AND pulling up onto things.
He can only do two new things, but somehow he just got twelve times harder to keep up with.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Three Cheers for Cheerios!
I was under the (mistaken) impression that babies couldn't eat finger foods until they had teeth. I received an email newsletter from Tripler hospital suggesting that I give him finger foods to help him develop his pinching skills. He's been getting good at that eating his dissolvable mum-mums, but I just didn't think he could have food like cheerios. I looked it up in a few other places and decided to give it a try. It took a little while (shorter than I had actually expected) but he got it.

Now, I don't know if after watching the video of this people will think I'm a bad mom... I really hope not. Watch it first, then I'll explain myself:
I think this video is really cute, and I felt pretty bad that I let him fall over, but it didn't faze him at all. Everytime I watch this I crack up at the end where he tips over but it stops before he hits the ground. I'm sure I wouldn't laugh if he had hurt himself (and I probably would have deleted the video...) but it didn't bother him at all. I really wish I could do that in life (stop him before he hits anything when he falls).
All in all, I think he did an amazingly good job, especially considering it was his first time EVER trying to eat anything but baby food and big crackers.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wooden Spoon Fun - Day 2!
Paul really likes this wooden spoon. It has become a regular addition to his toy rotation. I also like this picture because it captures his sort of spazzy nature. It's hard to get a picture where at least part of him isn't blurry.
Relaxing with Dad on a lazy Saturday.

This picture was taken only moments after Paul had pulled himself up onto his feet using my leg. I took the photo and the flash startled him so he plopped down onto his knees.

This picture was taken only moments after Paul had pulled himself up onto his feet using my leg. I took the photo and the flash startled him so he plopped down onto his knees.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Babies are doin' it for themselves
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Cat Fascination
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
This is sort of out of order, but I've remembering to take pictures and then having a hard time finding time to post them.
This was from when I came home from the Sunday show of the play I was in. It was a very peaceful scene and reminded me of when Paul was a newborn.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Baby's First Halloween
Mimi got this onesie for him, and I thought it was sufficient in the way of a costume. We sure didn't go anywhere tonight (except when I went to school), and we're not doing any trick-or-treating yet. He was very, very active when we took these pictures, and it was definitely a team effort just trying to get a recognizable photo and keep Paul from snatching the camera. We managed to get some really good photos, and I think they show the kind of mood he was in today.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Paul
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Paul's First Snow
Paul had his 6 month check up today and on the way home it snowed! It seems a little early for all that, but I'm not from around here... It works out that I finished his jacket today. Here he wearing the jacket I made and he's holding his new book, "Noisy Farm Animals". I don't know if it's a nation-wide thing or just Maine, but he gets a new book at each check up. I really like that.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sippy Cup
Today was the third time we've tried to give Paul the sippy cup. I only started giving it to him because I heard that it's a good idea to get them used to it early, but not to expect them to actually use it until later. The first time he held it but didn't understand how to drink from it. The second time he drank from it like a champ, but wouldn't hold it. I didn't really expect that he'd understand or be interested in using it all by himself so soon, but this time he figured out how to hold it, tip it up and drink from it! I shouldn't be surprised because this kid wants to do everything himself! Here's the video:
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Great Bay 5K
Today was the race. The weather was great for a run (low 50s I think), although some sunshine would have been nice. It didn't rain though, and it was cool and dry. I knew when we were taking these photos that I would be red. After looking at the pix though, it seems I was purple.
It was a big day for me. It's been six months and four days since Paul was born (calendar-wise anyway), and I was able to run a 5K! Ryan pushed Paul, which was great because it freed me up to concentrate on running. Since it has only been six months my goal was just to finish without walking any of it. I not only achieved my goal, but I'm pretty sure I've had later finishing times during previous races. Heather, my friend and Stroller Strides instructor, ran with me and we finished together. I got a little choked up as I crossed the finish line, just thinking about this past year and being pregnant, and giving birth, and starting to get back into shape. I'm really proud of myself, and the example I'm setting for my family.
I know today's entry isn't really about Paul, but I'm glad I did this and that he was there. From what Ryan said, Paul was great during the run (he's definitely used to being in his stroller). I'm just so happy that we were able to go do this as a family.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
It's Getting Cold
It's starting to get pretty cold. I made Paul a hat and some reversible fleece pants, and I'm working on the matching jacket. I also have material for another hat. I made the hat he's wearing in this picture.
Paul finally got "peekaboo" today. I've tried it with him a couple of times in the past few weeks, and when I covered my face with a blanket or anything else he just looked away. Today though, I was putting a turtleneck sweater on and said, "where's Paul? Where did he go?" and when I popped my head through I said, "peekaboo!" and he started laughing like crazy. I tried to get it on video later, but he gets really distracted by the camera. Hopefully in the next few days I'll remember to get the camera when he's less distractable.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ready for His Close-up
Saturday, October 18, 2008
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